Play a Truer Game, Not a Bigger One

2019-05-26T21:34:58+00:00By |

Our Cultural Obsession with Achievement I’ll be honest with you. The blog I wrote for this week’s newsletter (here) was unusually soul crushing. It’s not that the content wasn’t good (it’s poignant), or resonant with my own personal experience (it is), or that I don’t have expertise on the subject (I do); it’s the fact [...]


2019-05-26T21:35:36+00:00By |

The subtle art of incremental progress. To me, “risk” always sounded like a far-off and daunting endeavor. Until recently it was hard to imagine that there was some action I could take right now, today, that would be considered a risk. Continue Reading

Transactional Mindset: The Dark Side of Networking

2019-05-26T21:39:20+00:00By |

When we view people in our networks as chess pieces to move to our advantage, we sacrifice infinite possibility on the altar of a set agenda. There have been times in my life when I wouldn’t participate in anything social unless I felt that (a) I had something to offer or (b) there was something [...]

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